Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art
"The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art was founded in 1945 to encourage interest, study, and research in the art and culture of Tibet and the surrounding regions. To this end, the Museum collects art, books, and photographs, and makes them available to the public through exhibitions and educational programs. The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art is a 501c3 non-profit organization."
Mustang: The Lost Tibetan Kingdom, Photographs by Don Gurewitz
May 20, 2006 - November 28, 2006
Opening Reception with the photographer: Saturday, May 20, 2006, 3 - 6pm
Slide Lecture: Thursday, September 21, 2006, 6:30pm - 8:30pm.
This exhibit is drawn from a photographic documentation of a trek into what some anthropologists have called "the last forbidden kingdom". Award-winning photographer Don Gurewitz and his group hiked and rode ponies for a week through the deepest canyon in the world, surrounded by spectacular glacial peaks on either side, to reach the medieval walled city of Lo Manthang, the capital of the Tibetan Kingdom of Mustang.
Mustang is a semisecret, semi-independent and semi-feudal region of Nepal, nestled on the Himalayan border with Tibet. It has been closed to the outside world until very recently, and, even today, special permission is needed to enter. One of the only surviving Tibetan monarchies, and almost totally isolated for decades, it is perhaps the most intact Tibetan culture in the world.
Along the route, Gurewitz documented the unique and striking villages and monasteries, as well as the stark natural beauty, of this remote, high mountain, desert region. His images give a glimpse of the lives of the monks, nobles, lamas, farmers, herdsmen and townspeople of Mustang, along with their king. Gurewitz was also able to document the colorful masked dances and religious ceremonies of the region including the annual 3-day spring festival of Tiji, the most important celebration of the year, that draws most of the 6,000 inhabitants of the kingdom as well as pilgrims from across the border in Tibet, many of them traditional Tibetan nomads. |
Bhutanese Sand Mandala
The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art was pleased to host three Buddhist monks from Bhutan in celebration of Losar, the Buddhist New Year, from Wednesday, February 9th - Sunday, February 13th. The week's events included the creation of a sand mandala painting. The completed sand mandala will remain on display for an extended viewing period. |
Mustang: The Last Tibetan Kingdom - Photo Lecture with Photographer, Don Gurewitz.
Thursday, September 21st, 6:30 pm - 8:30pm.
Please join us for an evening with photographer, Don Gurewitz, where he will present additional photographs and slides from his 2001 trek into Nepal. Light refreshments will be served. This program is free with regular Museum admission, $ adults, $3 students and seniors. |
"WAY OF LIFE" Lecture.
Saturday, October 14th, 2 - 3pm
This lecture by Lama Pema Wangdak will focus on the Buddhist "Way of Life" approach, its very existence and beyond. Lama Pema's teachings are based on Buddhist views, principles, ethics, meditative teachings and practices. The program begins at 2pm. Admission: $10 for Adults and $5 for Children. |
Day of Meditation in Memory of September 11th.
Sunday, September 10th, 2pm
Join Bhante Kondanna and Bhante Pangnatissa of the Staten Island Buddhist Vihara for an afternoon of chanting and meditation in remembrance of the September 11th victims and for all victims of terrorism worldwide. The Bhantes will also chant meditations to promote world peace. This event is sponsored in conjunction with the September Concert and admission is free. Due to the Richmond County Fair, there will be limited bus access to the Museum. Please call 718-987-3500 for transportation directions. Also there will be limited parking on Lighthouse Avenue. Visitors to the Museum may be asked to park a few blocks away and walk to the Museum. Thank you for your understanding. |
Images Copyright © 2005 - Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art.