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Delgermaa Dagva-Hatchell
Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society
About the Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society:
Board of Directors Formed to Manage Administrative Duties for Newly Formed International Civic League
ALEXANDRIA, VA, JANUARY 1, 2006 — The Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society issues the following announcement, issued by Delgermaa Dagva-Hatchell, Board Chair, and Executive Director of the Society.
Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society is a civic league of concerned
international citizens who wish to advocate museum exhibition of Asian art from
ancient Mongolia and the Greater Himalayan Region. Through a broad range
of programs and projects, the Society's two primary focuses are: 1) to provide
support to selected museums that enrich the arts with display of historically
significant representations of Buddhist culture and 2) to protect sacred,
religious shrines, from which Buddhist art is gathered for public sale or
display against removal with consent, artifacts of any kind. Though not allied
with any political group or religious sect, the Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society
supports the fundamental humanitarian right to freedom of religious expression
and is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes; including
for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as
exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Delgermaa Dagva-Hatchell
Board Chair, Executive Director
Jeffrey L. Mazzella
Vice Chair
Mr. Mazella is presently the Executive Director of the Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF), a 501 (c)(4) constitutional advocacy group, that defends our individual freedoms, including our religious freedoms and rights to free speech. He offers to us his expertise in legislation, public affairs and regulatory agenda. He has been CFIF's chief representative before Congress, the Executive Branch and state governments across the country...more
Bob Tagert
Host Committee Chair
Mr. Tagert is the Crier Media Group, Inc President and Publisher of the premier monthly publication for people who live in the Virginia, Maryland and D.C. area and who like to live life to the fullest. He will offer to the Society his public relations expertise, and will act as our media liaison.On a lighter, but nevertheless more important note, he is charged with the responsibility of supplying for our meetings, ample stocks of delightful Virginia wine, gourmet cheese and fine crackers...more
Carol Montoya
Membership Committee Chair
Mrs. Montoya is president of Potomac Management Resources, and views associations from their core... issue driven organizations needing a single voice. She approaches association management from the executive level, providing important counsel coupled with staffing and resources necessary to maintain an active membership organization...more
Rev. Glen Evans
Community Outreach Committee Chair
Pastor Evans is founder of Art for Humanity, a 501 (c)(3) humanitarian organization that formed to assist impoverished families begin micro businesses using their available skills. He offers us with his charitable management insight that has led to Art for Humanity's distinguished honor of being awarded The Independent Charities Seal of Excellence. This seal indicates that upon rigorous independent review, his charity has met the highest standards of public accountability and program effectiveness. It is estimated that fewer than 5 percent of all U.S. charities meet or exceed these standards, as only 2,000 groups have been awarded this most prestigious Seal...more |
Anthony Reid, CPA
Board Member, Treasurer
Certified public accountant, tax and IRS relations specialist; owner of Anthony Reid Tax and Accounting Services, he is charged with guiding our organization through the initial formation as a 501 (c)(4), with the ultimate goal of also establishing a 501 (c)(3) Foundation. As a 501 (c)(4), contributions or gifts may be deductible as a business expense. As a 501 (c)(3), individuals may deduct contributions as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. In addition to offering his corporate structure expertise, Mr. Reid will provide ongoing accounting services with routine audits to insure the Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society operates to the highest standards. |
Eric Dagva-Hatchell
Volunteer, Steering Committee Chair
Mr. Dagva-Hatchell is both the husband of our Executive Director, and is the CEO of The Creative Port, LLC, an import/export firm with an advertising and marketing division, Wordmarque Design Associates. While not an official Board Member, he has pledged volunteer efforts including the design and production of this website. Additionally, Mr. Dagva-Hatchell will act as a liaison between our public steering committee, and the Board, to ensure that we remain ever faithful to our members and to the greater universe of our visitors...more
Visit for more information.
For immediate assistance, contact Delgermaa Dagva: