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Contact: Delgermaa Dagva-Hatchell
Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society
Call for Papers:
Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society Seeks Editorial Contributions from Asian Art and History Experts
Journalistic Content to Emphasize Appreciation of Buddhist Art and Culture from Mongolia and the Greater Himalayan Region
ALEXANDRIA, VA, FEBRUARY 7, 2006 — The Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society today announced a call for quality manuscripts and research papers. This peer-reviewed, on-line journal, and website of fine art, religious study and historical appreciation, welcomes contributions of factual articles, notes and images based on new research of Mongolia and the Greater Himalayan Region. "Our international audience consists of historians, social scientists and those who appreciate exceptional Asian art," said Delgermaa Dagva, Board Chair, and Executive Director of the Society.
Subjects written thus far have included Buddhism in Mongolia after 1990, by Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz, Professor for the History of Religions University of Berne, Switzerland and The Zanabazar Art Exhibit at the Chojin Lama Museum, with images and an introduction by Don Croner, Explorer at Large and Author of "Travels in Northern Mongolia."
Articles that do not exceed 3,500 words are preferred and shorter pieces in the range of 600 words, accompanied by high-resolution images of art, are also encouraged. Contributions directly e-mailed to the Society's Board of Directors will receive immediate review.
"To publish articles from a diverse pool of international experts and to highlight research that is recognized as an outstanding contribution in the field and study of Himalayan Art, is our prime web objective," stated Mrs. Dagva, who herself is a practicing Buddhist of Mongolian descent.
Bilingual researchers and writers are greatly appreciated for both original submissions and translation of existing material. Manuscripts should be submitted exclusively to the Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society or else clearly identified as being a part of multiple submissions. According the Society's Editorial Review Board, emphasis will be placed on content, rather than adherence to style, however "The Chicago Manual of Style," University of Chicago Press, may be used as a reference in preparation of manuscripts. References at the end of the text should be listed alphabetically according to the author's last name, followed by the year of publication, as in Smith, J. 1989. Citation in the text should list author, date, and applicable page numbers, as in (Smith 1989, xx). For use of illustrations or reproduced artwork, permission must be obtained by the author and noted on the manuscript. We reserve the right to make editorial changes in style and format, however the author will receive a pre-publication draft for approval.
Accepted contributions are normally published within one to two months of approval. Accepted authors will receive a complimentary one-year membership to the Society, which includes invitations to Society functions and mixers.
Visit for more information. For immediate consideration, contact Delgermaa Dagva-Hatchell:
Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society is a civic league of concerned
international citizens who wish to advocate museum exhibition of Asian art from
ancient Mongolia and the Greater Himalayan Region. Through a broad range
of programs and projects, the Society's two primary focuses are: 1) to provide
support to selected museums that enrich the arts with display of historically
significant representations of Buddhist culture and 2) to protect sacred,
religious shrines, from which Buddhist art is gathered for public sale or
display against removal with consent, artifacts of any kind. Though not allied
with any political group or religious sect, the Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society
supports the fundamental humanitarian right to freedom of religious expression
and is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes; including
for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as
exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.