
Married in grand, traditional Mongolian style, Mr. and Mrs. Dagva-Hatchell wear their wedding dels and hold silver milk cups, draped with silk, while practicing in a purification ceremony. At over 200 pounds and 6'-2" of height, ready made dels were simply not an option for Mr. Hatchell, so his Mother-In-Law to be, lovingly sewed by hand his wedding attire, and custom altered to fit a U.S. size 12 foot, his leather Mongolian boots. It has been said that this traditional footwear has toes turned-upward to honor the earth by not marring it with an impression of one's toe, while kneeling in prayer.
Dear Visitor:
My Grandfather's sister, named Dolgorsuren, was married to a Mongolian man of stature, owning many animals. Together, as a couple, they faithfully visited the Vangiin Huree Hiid (monastery) in Tushee khan aimag (where all of our family members were later born). The purpose of their frequent visits, was to seek teaching and council from the Chief Lama who befriended them in return, and who made many visits to Dolgorsuren's ger (tent), during the summer months, when the weather in the countryside was warm and conducive to meditation. Respecting his need for uninterrupted contemplation, Dolgorsuren waited on the Monk providing for his daily requirements and
with fresh horse milk products, such as yogurt and cheese. Thus was their relationship for many years, until on one occasion, upon thoughtful reflection, the Monk revealed to Dolgorsuren his concerns for the growing Soviet domination spreading through the lands of Mongolia. Knowing of the communist beliefs, void of spiritual faith, the Monk predicted dark times for his kind, and warned Dolgorsuren to stay clear from their beloved Vangiin Huree Hiid, lest they be present during the time of its destruction.
Feeling great dismay over the thought of loosing their dear teacher, Dolgorsuren cried for some way to stay connected. The Monk replied with assurance that he would find the means to return, no matter what the outcome of the monastery.
Some time later, while her husband was in the fields tending the horses, Dolgorsuren was making morning tea, only to be alarmed by a strange sound, which interrupted her daily ritual as she ventured out to see what was the matter. In the distance, she saw a large, black bird with a bright red beak. She then noticed the bird had grasp of something odd, which strangely compelled her to venture out further and learn of the bird's gift.
Shocked by what she found, she would have normally retracted quickly from her discovery, but for some reason unknown to her at the time, she tore from her del an ample piece of fabric, which she used to wrap this most horrifying find. Later that same day, her husband returned home from his labors and was met by Dolgorsuren, who calmly unrolled her cloth remnant and showed him what was a human hand, severed from it's wrist, and drenched in dried blood.
Fearing he recognized what was the defiled hand of their loving teacher, he reminded Dolgorsuren of the promised return, then dashed by swift horseback to Vangiin Huree. There he found in smoldering ruins, the Communist's destruction of their monastery and the death, dismemberment, or imprisonment of all inhabitants.
Upon returning to Dolgorsuren he confirmed, the hand must be that of their beloved Buddha — and the wrapped remains were given a place of honor in their home, where it peacefully rested until their death as it passed to their daughter who was then adopted by my aged Grandfather. Passed down from the generations, the hand of this Buddha still gently guides the faith of my family, even now, as we are pleased to launch the Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society. We invite members of all faiths and faces of the globe to join us in appreciation of Buddhist Art in all forms indigenous to the greater Himalayan Region and Mongolia. We hope you enjoy our site, and wish that you contact us for more information about our group and its purpose.
With warm regards, and best wishes for your future,
Delgermaa Dagva-Hatchell
Executive Director
Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society