Lecture Series — "Orna" Uranchimeg Tsultem
Orna, a native of Mongolia and a Ph.D. candidate at the UC Berkeley Department of Art History, has gained a new understanding of Mongolian spiritual life. She is also an accomplished art historian, who is presently writing a dissertation on Zanabazar...[more]
Sacred Sites of the Dalai Lamas YouTube Music Video
ALEXANDRIA, VA, OCTOBER 24, 2007— Today, Glenn H. Mullin shared the news that filmmaker Michael Wiese and Steve Danz made a YouTube music video based on footage from Michael's Tibet film, "Sacred Sites of the Dalai Lamas," which he shot during a trip Glenn led to Lhamo Latso a few years ago. To see the YouTube clip, click here. To order the full-length documentary, click here . Said Glenn, "Maybe drop a comment on YouTube if you have time."
Khuree Tsam Comes to America
ULAANBAATAR, MONGOLIA, October 12, 2007 — Mongolian News and Information source olloo.mn reported that Khuree Tsam 108 will be hosted in Bloomington, Indiana on October 23-30, 2007. Further, olloo states that a color magazine with stories of Mongolian history, culture, art, and religion will be published for this measure. They will be sent to the President, the State Department, and many other key individuals...[more]
Special Committee To Save Important Works of Mongolian Buddhist Art
The Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society Now Forming Administration Committee for Museum and Private Gallery Relations
ALEXANDRIA, VA, MAY 3, 2006 — The Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society today released the following announcement, issued by Eric Dagva-Hatchell, Editorial Steering Committee Chair. This special committee is being formed to facilitate two of the Society's primary objectives: 1) to provide support to selected museums that enrich the arts with display of historically significant representations of Buddhist culture and 2) to protect sacred, religious shrines, from which Buddhist art is gathered for public sale or display against removal without consent, artifacts of any kind — and to further facilitate the repatriation of any sacred work, previously obtained by illicit means...[more]
In Appreciation of Buddhist Art and Culture
Editorial Steering Committee to Advise International Civic League
ALEXANDRIA, VA, MAY 1, 2006 — The Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society today released the following announcement, issued by Eric Dagva-Hatchell, Editorial Steering Committee Chair. Mr Dagva-Hatchell stated, "As the husband of our Board of Directors, I have been charged with the task of assembling this TMMS committee comprised of friendly colleagues in the field who offer a watchful eye over our site and the Society. This assignment I have regarded as a wonderful way of improving our group as a whole, while individually expanding my own horizons."...[more]
Call for Papers: Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society Seeks Editorial Contributions from Asian Art and History Experts
Journalistic Content to Emphasize Appreciation of Buddhist Art and Culture from Mongolia and the Greater Himalayan Region
FEBRUARY 7, 2006 — The Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society today announced a call for quality manuscripts and research papers. This peer-reviewed, on-line journal, and website of fine art, religious study and historical appreciation, welcomes contributions of factual articles, notes and images based on new research of Mongolia and the Greater Himalayan Region. "Our international audience consists of historians, social scientists and those who appreciate exceptional Asian art," said Delgermaa Dagva, Board Chair, and Executive Director of the Society...[more]
More About the Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society
A Letter of introduction from Delgermaa Dagva-Hatchell
ALEXANDRIA, VA, FEBRUARY 1, 2006 — The Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society today released the following letter of introduction, issued by Delgermaa Dagva-Hatchell, Board Chair, and Executive Director of the Society. Mrs. Dagva-Hatchell wrote, "Passed down from the generations, the hand of this Buddha still gently guides the faith of my family, even now, as we are pleased to launch the Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society. We invite members of all faiths and faces of the globe to join us in appreciation of Buddhist Art in all forms indigenous to the greater Himalayan Region and Mongolia. We hope you enjoy our site, and wish that you contact us for more information about our group and its purpose."...[more]
About the Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society Board of Directors Formed to Manage Administrative Duties for Newly Formed International Civic League
JANUARY 1, 2006 — The Tibetan Mongolian Museum Society today release the following announcement, issued by Delgermaa Dagva-Hatchell, Board Chair, and Executive Director of the Society. ...[more]